Schneider, Josh

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Ultrabot's first playdate

When Ultrabot has his first playdate, he is worried and shy but he soon learns that he and Becky have a lot in common.
Cover image of Ultrabot's first playdate

Tales for very picky eaters

A father tells outlandish stories while trying to get his young son, who is a very picky eater, to eat foods he thinks he will not like.
Cover image of Tales for very picky eaters

Princess Sparkle-Heart gets a makeover

Amelia and her best friend, Princess Sparkle-Heart, do almost everything together, so when the Princess suffers an accident, Amelia's mother puts her sewing box to good use and makes the doll better than ever.

Everybody sleeps (but not Fred)

Although animals everywhere are sleeping, a youngster with an active imagination and a hefty to-do list resists bedtime with adventurous flair.

The meanest birthday girl

Dana soon learns that receiving a big white elephant for her birthday is not as wonderful as she thought it would be.

Bedtime monsters

A young boy conquers his fear of bedtime monsters after making a surprising discovery.

The meanest birthday girl

Dana soon learns that receiving a big white elephant for her birthday is not as wonderful as she thought it would be.

Tales for very picky eaters

A father tells outlandish stories while trying to get his young son, who is a very picky eater, to eat foods he thinks he will not like.

You'll be sorry

Young Samantha does not believe her parents when they tell her to stop hitting her brother or she will be sorry, but she soon learns just how right they are when his tears flood their entire town.
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