Hapka, Catherine

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Dolphin Summer

Dolphin Dreams

Avery has jus moved to southern California with her mom after her parents' divorce. She dreams of swimming with dolphins, but a near-drowning incident years ago has left her fearful of the ocean.Maria longs for space and quiet among her big, loud family. She dreams of acceptance to a prestigious art program for her drawings of dolphins, but knows her parents think art is impractical.

Pearl's ocean magic

Welcome to Coral Cove Dolphin School. Pearl is a magical dolphin of the Salty Sea, and today is her first day of school. Her classmates Echo and Splash make great new friends! Together they start learning dolphin skills like magic, music, and jumping. But another student, Flip, just won't stop bragging. When he accepts a dare from an older student, he ends up in terrible danger from a shark! Can Pearl and her friends save him? It's an exciting first day at Dolphin School!.

Jingle Bells

For all lovers of horses, history, and the holidays, here's a very special Horse Diaries book. Wisconsin, 1915. Jingle Bells is a strong Clydesdale gelding. He enjoys his work on the farm, pulling the hay wagon in the summer and a sleigh in the winter, and he loves his human friend, Kari.

Too big to run

Zach's mom has a new patient a giant dog named Millie who has been helping her owner train for a marathon. Millie's knees can't handle all that running and now she needs an expensive operation! Time for the kids in the Pet Rescue Club to help! Together they find a way to help Millie.

Heart of a dolphin

Forging a deep bond with a dolphin she rescues from a fishing line in the cove near her house, young Annie receives unexpected support from her aquatic friend while dealing with her BFF Emma's estrangement, her busy parents and a hyper younger sibling.

Sofia makes a friend

Sofia gets more than she bargained for when a new friend visits the palace!.

Vacation in the wild

When Blu and Jewel take the kids on vacation to the Amazon, they see how Jewel lived in the wild, but soon Blu misses the comforts of home.

One big blue family

When a wild blue Spix's Macaw is spotted in the Amazon jungle, Blu and Jewel head off to search for more of their kind, but who they meet is the biggest surprise of all.


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