
Geographic Name

Purple hibiscus

a novel
Fifteen-year-old Kambili leaves her affluent family to live with her aunt in another Nigerian city shortly before a military coup threatens the country.


Nigerian Ifemelu leaves her country to study in America while the man she loves back home, Obinze, is denied entrance to America due to 9/11. After struggling in London, Obinze is sent back to Nigeria, but becomes a wealthy man with a family. Meanwhile Ifemelu explores racism in America and becomes a successful blogger about race. When Ifemelu returns to Nigeria, she reunites with Obinze, but now the couple faces new decisions about their future.

My sister, the serial killer

a novel
Korede, is in love with a handsome doctor at the Nigerian hospital where she works, but can't bring herself to pursue him because her sister, Ayoola, has a habit of killing her boyfriends--three so far--which means she's officially a serial killer. But the doctor then asks Korede for Ayoola's number, and Korede must decide how far she's willing to go to protect her sister.

Chike and the river

When an eleven-year-old Nigerian boy leaves his small village to live with his uncle in the city, he is exposed to a range of new experiences and becomes fascinated with crossing the Niger River on a ferry boat.

Ife's first haircut

Chinaza, a young girl from Nigeria, is excitedly preparing for her baby brother Ife's first haircut and the family party to celebrate it.

Into the Go-Slow

It's 1986 and twenty-one-year-old Angie continues to mourn the death of her brilliant and radical sister Ella. On impulse, she travels from Detroit to the place where Ella tragically died four years before???Nigeria. She retraces her sister's steps, all the while navigating the chaotic landscape of a major African country on the brink of democracy careening toward a coup d'??tat. At the center of this quest is a love affair that upends everything Angie thought she knew about herself. Against a backdrop of Nigeria's infamous go-slow???traffic as wild and surprising as a Fela lyric???Angie begins to unravel the mysteries of the past, and opens herself up to love and life after Ella.

Every day is for the thief

"Visiting Lagos after many years away, Teju Cole's unnamed narrator rediscovers his hometown as both a foreigner and a local. A young writer uncertain of what he wants to say, the man moves through tableaus of life in one of the most dynamic cities in the world: he hears the muezzin's call to prayer in the early morning light, and listens to John Coltrane during the late afternoon heat"--Provided by publisher.

Rebel sisters

"It's been five years since the Biafran War ended. Ify is now nineteen and living where she's always dreamed--the Space Colonies. She is a respected, high-ranking medical officer and has dedicated her life to helping refugees like herself rebuild in the Colonies. Back in the still devastated Nigeria, Uzo, a young synth, is helping an aid worker, Xifeng, recover images and details of the war held in the technology of destroyed androids. Uzo, Xifeng, and the rest of their team are working to preserve memories of the many lives lost, despite the government's best efforts to eradicate any signs that the war ever happened. Though they are working toward common goals of helping those who suffered, Ify and Uzo are worlds apart. But when a mysterious virus breaks out among the children in the Space Colonies, their paths collide. Ify makes it her mission to figure out what's causing the deadly disease. And doing so means going back to the homeland she thought she'd left behind forever"--Provided by the publisher.

The girl with the louding voice

a novel
A young Nigerian woman, Adunni, is trapped in the life of servitude. She is determined to get an education so that she can escape and choose her own future.


In southeastern Nigeria, twelve-year-old Mnamdi is determined to avenge his police chief father, who was murdered while tryng to rid the town of criminals, but Nnamdi feels powerless until he receives a magical object which gives him superpowers.


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