Pfeffernut County

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Louie the layabout

People think Louie is a layabout but he really wants to do great things, he simply cannot figure out how someone too tall for ordinary tasks can reach that goal, until a farmer in Pfeffernut County sees his potential and finds a way.

Henry Shortbull swallows the sun

Greedy Henry Shortbull wants to have everything in the whole world, but when he swallows the sun one day, he realizes that he has gone too far.

Fawn Braun's big city blues

Fawn wants to leave her family's Pfeffernut County farm and move to the big city as soon as she can and, in the meantime, pretends she is already there, but her friend and neighbor Larry is determined to keep her where she belongs.

Farmer Cap

After years of trying to convince their eccentric neighbor to do things the way they do, the farmers of Pfeffernut County finally see that Farmer Cap might have some good ideas, after all.

No snow for Christmas

Without any snow in sight and Christmas Eve tomorrow, Fawn Braun and the villagers of Pfeffernut gather and try to create snow.
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