seafaring life

Topical Term
seafaring life

Two years before the mast

a personal narrative of life at sea
Describes life at sea in the 1830's from the viewpoint of a common sailor in the American merchant service.

Journeys through the Inside Passage

seafaring adventures along the coast of British Columbia and Alaska
Includes bibliographical references (p. 179) and index. Accounts of the upper Pacific Northwest Coast by explorers of the past and seafarers of the present.

At sea under impressment

accounts of involuntary service aboard navy and pirate vessels, 1700-1820
Provides accounts of men who were taken against their will and forced into service within the British Navy or aboard pirate ships during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

In the belly of the bloodhound

being an account of a particularly peculiar adventure in the life of Jacky Faber
Jacky Faber and her classmates at the Lawson Peabody School for Young Girls in Boston are kidnapped while on a school outing and transported in the hold of a slave ship bound for the slave markets of North Africa.

Pirates, ships, and sailors

Features a collection of sea stories and poems with tales of treasure chests, stowaways, sea serpents, sea captains, and pirates.

Life in a whaling town

Illustrations and simple text describe what it was like to live in a whaling town in the 1800s, providing information on the sailors who hunted whales and about the everyday items made from whales.

Two years before the mast

a personal narrative

Billy Budd, sailor

Through Billy Budd, a sailor sentenced to death after striking his false accusor, Melville explores the difference between earthly and divine justice.

Daily life in the age of sail

Examines what life was like for people who sailed the high seas during the age of sail, from 1480 to 1880, discussing the men who chose to live and work at sea, as well as individuals who were on board for other reasons, including slaves, sailor's wives, and criminals.


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