Moroney, Tracey

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The things I love about me

"Your great big smile, your kindness toward others--there are so many things to love about being you . . . perfect for introducing little ones to positive thinking about everyday situations"--Publisher.

When I'm feeling scared

A little rabbit describes how he feels when he is scared and what he does to cope.

Wish upon a star

On a cool summer evening, Little Bear ponders what he would do if he had ten stars upon which to wish.
Cover image of Wish upon a star

When I'm feeling kind

A little rabbit describes how kindness feels to him and how it affects his behavior and relationships. Includes tips for parents from psychologists Bill Hallam and Craig Olsson.

When I'm feeling loved

A little rabbit describes how it feels to be loved. Includes tips for parents from psychologists Bill Hallam and Craig Olsson.

When I'm feeling jealous

A little rabbit describes his feelings of jealousy, how it can affect his behavior and what he does to feel better. Includes tips for parents from psychologists Bill Hallam and Craig Olsson.

The things I love about me

There are so many things to love about being you. From your fingers and your toes and your smile to your dreams for the future. This book in The Things I Love series by Trace Moroney celebrates the everyday situations that form the basis of our children's experiences. Spending time with your children and giving them love and care helps them to celebrate who they are, building resilience and self-esteem.

I will always love you

A little panda's mother reassures him that she will love him no matter what he does.

When I'm feeling lonely

Lots of things can make you feel lonely. It's not a nice feeling, but just remember that everyone feels that way sometimes!.


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