stories in rhyme

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stories in rhyme


day to zzzz
"Axolotls getting up emerging from the rocks they're getting ready for their day-- woken by their clocks. Spend a day with the cutest smiling amphibians in their anthropomorphized world. Exercise with Flexolotl. Go to work with Lumberjaxalotl. Groove to the music with Saxolotl, and so many more! With silly wordplay, hilarious illustrations, and fun faxolotls, Stacks of Axolotls is the perfect booxalotl for clever kids (and parents)!"--.

Race car count

Count to ten with fast and colorful race cars.

Nobunny's perfect

Bunnies, who slurp their juice, forget to say "please," and bite their friends, learn about good manners.

Make your bed with Skipper the seal

"Skipper the seal heads to Navy SEAL training and learns ten life lessons (based on the precepts of Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life ... And Maybe the World) from his instructors and with friends"--.


With shimmery, shiny mermaids, a pearly underwater palace, friendly sea creatures, and intricate mermaid accessories, this is a delightful book to read aloud to little ones. Just right for sharing with babies and toddlers and encouraging their imaginative play and learning, inside the colorful characters and mermaid accessories are embellished with touch and feel patches or sparkly areas to explore.

Santa Mouse, where are you?

When Santa Mouse falls from Santa's sleigh he is lost until the bright lights of a Christmas tree show him the way to a household.

P is for puppy

a book of cuddly puppies to share with your baby
"Includes lots of adorable puppies to meet, furry textures to touch and feel, and gentle rhymes to read together"--.

How to catch a garden fairy

"Join the How to Catch kids as they try to catch a magical Garden Fairy"--.

Jo Bright and the seven bots

In this humorous adaptation of the Snow White tale, Jo Bright excels at building bots. After the jealous queen banishes Jo to the forest, then attacks her dragon-bots, Jo and her new dragon friends fly the queen to the Moon, and a new bot-builder is chosen to rule the kingdom: Jo!.

Peach and Plum, here we come!

In Fruitdale, best friends Peach and Plum enjoy many fun summer activities, such as playing ball, going to the beach, and riding a bike--although Plum often seems to find the downside of fun. In graphic novel format.


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