
Geographic Name

Historic places of early America

Describes places where early American history was made, from Indian and Viking settlements through the Revolution.
Cover image of Historic places of early America

Francisco Va?squez de Coronado

Presents in graphic novel a brief biography of Spanish explorer and conquistador, Francisco Va?squez de Coronado.
Cover image of Francisco Va?squez de Coronado

Henry Hudson

In graphic novel format describes the adventures of the seventeenth-century English explorer, from his search for a short route from Europe to the Orient to his mysterious disappearance after members of his crew mutinied.
Cover image of Henry Hudson

Columbus Day

Provides information about explorer Christopher Columbus, and explains why Americans celebrate Columbus Day.
Cover image of Columbus Day

Voyage of the Half Moon

A fictionalized account of Henry Hudson's third attempt to find the Northwest Passage, sailing up what will come to be known as the Hudson River, accompanied by his twelve-year-old son.
Cover image of Voyage of the Half Moon

Geronimo Stilton 3 in 1

Geronimo Stilton travels through time in order to defend history from his arch nemeses, the Pirate Cats.
Cover image of Geronimo Stilton 3 in 1

The first Americans

Explores the origin and development of the United States from the Ice Age to 1600, focusing on the lives of Native Americans, and the arrivals of explorers and conquistadors.
Cover image of The first Americans

Los espan?oles de la Ame?rica colonial

A history of Spanish exploration in early America, covering key explorers and Spanish colonies.

Christopher Columbus

Describes the life of explorer Christopher Columbus and discusses his voyages to the islands now known as the West Indies.

Columbus Day

Simple text and photographs introduce Christopher Columbus and the Columbus Day holiday.


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