
Geographic Name


An introduction to the Spanish warriors known as conquistadors and their culture, values, enemies, and history.

Explore with Ponce de Le?n

Follows the travels of fifteenth-century Spanish explorer Ponce de Le?n, covering his search for the Fountain of Youth and his discovery of Florida.

Three ships for Columbus

Describes some of the difficulties that Columbus faced on his first voyage to the New World and what he found at the journey's end.

The Moor's account

a novel
The imagined memoirs of the first black explorer of America--a Moroccan slave whose testimony was left out of the official record of the 1527 conquistador P?nfilo de Narv?ez's expedition to claim the Gulf coast of North America for the Spanish crown and which was faced with peril, navigational errors, disease, and starvation, as well as resistance from indigenous tribes.

The voyages of Christopher Columbus

Four times Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Along the way, he lived through storms and shipwrecks. He visited many islands and met native peoples. He started colonies for Spain. Once he was sent home in chains. Columbus always believed he had reached the East, or Asia. One of the most famous explorers of all times never knew where he had been!.

Explore with Hernando de Soto

Describes what it was like to travel with Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto. Highlights where he went, why and how he got there, and what went right and wrong. Includes a timeline, fact boxes, a glossary, resources for further information, and color illustrations.

Explore with Francisco V?zquez de Coronado

Describes what it was like to travel with Spanish explorer Francisco Vazquez de Coronado. Highlights where he went, why and how he got there, and what went right and wrong. Includes a timeline, fact boxes, a glossary, resources for further information, and color illustrations.

Explore with Christopher Columbus

Presents a full-color illustrated look at Christopher Columbus and his explorations. Discusses conditions aboard his ships, the people he encountered, weather conditions, and Columbus' death and legacy. Features maps, a timeline, fact boxes, quotes, writing activities, a glossary, and further resources.


the man who gave his name to America
Presents a biography of Florentine explorer, Amerigo Vespucci, and describes the adventures and exploits of the man for whom the New World was named.


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