Geronimo Stilton

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A fabumouse school adventure

Newspaper editor Geronimo Stilton is invited by his nephew to career day at school, where Geronimo causes a volcanic explosion, releases the classroom's pet gecko, and becomes tangled up in the playground's tunnel slide.

Thea Stilton and the dragon's code

Thea, Geronimo's sister, is invited to a college on Mouse Island to teach a journalism class, and when a student disappears, Thea and five of her students go on an adventure to solve the mystery.

The karate mouse

Geronimo Stilton's cousin, the athletic Piccolo Tao, signs him up for a karate tournament, leaving Geronimo with less than one week to get into fighting shape.

Geronimo's valentine

Geronimo Stilton, who loves Valentine's Day, has a date with Petunia Pretty Paws, but when he receives a call from private investigator Hercule Poirat, who needs help with a mystery regarding a stolen painting in New Mouse City, he has trouble deciding what he should do.

The race across America

Geronimo Stilton accepts a challenge from his friend Bruce Hyena, and enters a race across the United States on his bicycle.


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