
Topical Term

First ladies

Contains short profiles of the first ladies of the United States, from Martha Washington to Michelle Obama, accompanied by illustrations and photographs of memorabilia associated with each woman, and includes a clip-art CD.


Detailed photographs trace the development and life cycle of a bird from the moment it hatches from its egg through its adult life, with information on feeding, flying, hunting, and behavior. Includes a CD-ROM with clip art.

Teaching gifted kids in the regular classroom

strategies and techniques every teacher can use to meet the academic needs of the gifted and talented
Explains to teachers how to deal with special situations presented by gifted students in regular classes of all grades, suggesting strategies and providing more than fifty reproducible forms and handouts. Includes CD-ROM.


A photo essay introducing members of the horse family, their evolution, behavior, importance, history, breeding, and training. Includes a CD-ROM with clip art.

Endangered animals

An introduction to various animal species that are threatened with extinction, including polar bears, sea turtles, river dolphins, jaguars, gibbons, and others; and discusses ways to help them survive.

A is for almanac

complete lessons to teach the use of reference sources in grades K-6
Contains lessons for teaching elementary students to use reference sources, including the dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, atlas, almanac, online catalog, and Internet; and features curriculum units using reference sources for each grade from kindergarten through sixth, as well as a selection of games for practicing reference skills. Includes a companion CD.

Write what you see

99 photos to inspire writing
Collects ninety-nine black-and-white photographs accompanied by writing prompts, with ideas from teachers who have used photography for writing instruction, and includes a CD-ROM with the same material as the book.

Traits of writing

the complete guide for middle school
Offers guidance and materials for middle school teachers to better assess the writing skills of sixth through eighth grader students, providing scoring guides, sample papers with scores and comments; and including warm-up exercises and lessons to encourage focus. Includes a CD-ROM with reproducibles.

Cool stuff exploded

get inside modern technology
Presents a piece-by-piece breakdown of everyday electronic objects to describe how they work, including cell phones, computers, and cars.


A photo essay introducing the various types of sharks, and features great whites, horn sharks, whale sharks, and others, and describes their physical characteristics, behavior, and life cycle. Includes a CD-ROM with clip art.


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