A graphic novel adaptation of Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew" in which Petruchio sets out to subdue the shrewish Katherine's legendary temper and win her dowry.
The graphic novelization of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night," in which Viola, disguised as a man, falls in love with her employer, Duke Orsino, but Olivia, the object of Orsino's attentions, is attracted to Viola, believing her to be male.
A graphic novel adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy in which Iago, jealous of Othello's successes in the army of Venice, plots against him, pretending to be his friend while planting seeds of doubt about the faithfulness of Othello's wife, Desdemona.
The graphic novelization of Shakespeare's "The Tempest," in which Prospero, a duke is exiled with his daughter Miranda, but uses his magical powers and his servants, Ariel and Caliban, in order to bring the king who exiled him to his island and resolve their conflict.
A graphic novel adaptation of William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" in which Cassius, fearing Julius Caesar's ambition, forms a conspiracy among Roman republicans to assassinate him on the Ides of March.
In graphic novel format, presents the play by William Shakespeare in which Rosalind, banished to the Forest of Arden and disguised as a boy, reunites with her true love Orlando.