description and travel

Geographic Name
description and travel

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

Explores details of the travels of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in their exploration of the American West, covering topics such as their encounters with Native American tribes, documentation of a wide variety of plants and animals, and arrival at the Pacific Ocean, with illustrations, a timeline, and statistics.
Cover image of The Lewis and Clark Expedition

A small place

An extended essay on the British West Indies island of Antigua, the author's home, describing its scenery, its people, and its history, and discussing the impacts of colonization and tourism.

Climbing Everest

tales of triumph and tragedy on the world's highest mountain
A collection of true stories about men and women who have climbed Mount Everest.

Francisco Pizarro

journeys through Peru and South America
Presents a short children's history of Spanish conquistador and explorer, Francisco Pizarro and describes his life, voyages through the jungles and mountains of coastal South America, encounters with the Incas of Peru, and the brutality of Spanish conquest.

The Niagara Falls mystery

While sightseeing in Niagara Falls, the Boxcar children investigate a rash of souvenir store thefts.

Sacred river

Watercolor paintings reveal the pageantry of the Hindu pilgrimage to the sacred Ganges River in the town of Benares, India.

The mystery in San Francisco

While sightseeing in San Francisco, the Boxcar children uncover a mystery involving fishing boats and sabotage.

When heaven and earth changed places

a Vietnamese woman's journey from war to peace
A memoir of Le Ly Hayslip in which she recalls her experiences during the Vietnam War as a young spy for the Viet Cong, and tells of her return to her country and family twenty years after escaping to America.

Alice Ramsey's grand adventure

Describes the difficulties faced by the first woman to make a cross-country journey from New York to San Francisco in an automobile in 1909.

Lewis & Clark

blazing a trail west
Describes the journey taken by William Clark and Meriwether Lewis after leaving Illinois in 1804 to explore the unknown western region of North America where they discovered animals, and landforms, and interacted with several Native American tribes.


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