A travel guide to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Bangkok, featuring over sixty maps, and providing information on how to get there, when to go, culture and life, accommodations, restaurants, transportation, visas and travel permits, and sights to see.
A region-by-region guide to Thailand and Burma, featuring over 115 maps, and providing information on how to get there, when to go, culture and life, accommodations, restaurants, transportation, documents, and sights to see.
A guide to traveling in Central America that provides hotel listings, descriptions of popular sites, detailed maps, and practical traveling information.
A detailed guide to the museums and galleries of the Smithsonian Institution, as well as the National Zoo, providing information on hours, services, tours, dining, and attractions, and including phone numbers and Web site addresses.
A traveler's guide to Washington D. C., Mount Vernon, Alexandria, and Annapolis that provides photographs, maps, and rated information on accommodations, restaurants, local attractions, entertainment, and related topics.
A comprehensive travel guide to Washington, DC, with maps and information on accommodations and restaurants, shopping and entertainment, and interesting tourist sites.