escaped prisoners of war

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escaped prisoners of war

The escape artists

a band of daredevil pilots and the greatest prison break of the Great War
"The story of three downed British airmen who mastermind an elaborate, rollicking escape from a WWI German POW camp"--Provided by publisher.

Escape from Davao

the forgotten story of the most daring prison break of the Pacific war
Relates the World War II escape of Major William Edwin Dyess and nine other prisoners of war from a Japanese prison in the Philippines, discusses the request of the American government that the men not describe how they had been treated, and examines the escapees' determination to break their silence. Theirs was the only successful group escape from a Japanese POW camp during the Pacific war.

Escaping from the Kaiser

the dramatic experiences of a Tommy PoW
Only a week after joining the 8th Durhams in April 1915 Private Herbert Tustin was captured at the Battle of Ypres. He describes the horror of trench warfare, his treatment on being taken a prisoner of war (POW) and the three day train journey into Germany. There followed sixteen months captivity at Rennbahn POW Camp with its hunger, hardships, brutality, work regime, friendships, humor and the different national characteristics of fellow POWs. In late summer 1916 together with Canadian, Gerrie Burk, the author escaped over the wire. For the next 10 days traveling by night, sleeping rough and stealing basic food they headed for Holland. Somehow they miraculously managed to avoid recapture despite the closest of calls. Once on the Dutch coast they found a boat, the SS Grenadier, to carry them across the mine-strewn, submarine infested North Sea to England, arriving on 18 September. This amazing story of war, imprisonment, escape and survival concludes with the author's wife recalling the hero's welcome home, the joyful reunion and his proposal of marriage.

Libby Prison breakout

the daring escape from the notorious Civil War prison
Provides an account of the prison break that occurred on February 9, 1864, when 109 Union officers escaped the Confederate's Libby Prison in Richmond, Virginia, and made their way to Washington, D.C., where their account of their experiences in Libby led to a new cycle of retaliation against Rebel captives.

As far as my feet will carry me

Recounts Clemens Forell's escape from a forced labour camp in Siberia, describing how the German soldier managed to escape and his three-year trek across the wastes of Siberia in search of freedom.
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