
Topical Term

What are traits?

"Some dogs are black. Other dogs are brown. Some plants have purple flowers and others have white flowers. Living things have different traits that they pass onto their offspring. Let's investigate traits to learn more!"--Provided by publisher.

The smallest spot of a dot

a celebration of our human family
In rhyming text, illustrates through the concept of DNA how we are all part of the human race.

The forever witness

how DNA and genealogy solved a cold case double murder
After 30 years, Detective Jim Scharf arrested a teenage couple's murderer--and exposed a looming battle between the pursuit of justice and the right to privacy. When Tanya Van Cuylenborg and Jay Cook were murdered during a trip to Seattle in the 1980s, detectives had few leads. The murder weapon was missing. No one witnessed any suspicious activity. And there was only a single handprint on the outside of the young couple's van. The detectives assumed Tanya and Jay were victims of a serial killer--but without any leads, the case seemed forever doomed. In deep-freeze, long-term storage, biological evidence from the crime scenes sat waiting. Meanwhile, California resident CeCe Moore began her lifetime fascination with genetic genealogy. As DNA testing companies rapidly grew in popularity, she discovered another use for the technology: solving crimes. When Detective Jim Scharf decided to send the cold case's decades-old DNA to Parabon NanoLabs, he hoped he would bring closure to the Van Cuylenborg and Cook families. He didn't know that he and Moore would make history. Anyone can submit a saliva sample to learn about their ancestry. But what happens after the results of these tests are uploaded to the internet? As lawyers, policymakers, and police officers fight over questions of consent and privacy, the implications of Scharf's case become ever clearer. Approximately 250,000 murders in the United States remain unsolved. We have the tools to catch many of these killers--but what is the cost?.

Inside the world of microbes

Microbes are everywhere! They live on and under the ground. They live in all kinds of water on Earth, even around the hottest deep-sea vents. They even live on and inside your body! Since the advent of powerful microscopes, scientists have been studying our world's smallest denizens. Many people get scared just hearing the words "bacteria," "fungus," and "virus" because of the diseases they cause. However, scientists have discovered many beneficial microbes that actually help support all life on Earth. Geneticists have sequenced the genomes of numerous microbes, extending our knowledge of the organisms and how they affect our lives.

She has her mother's laugh

the powers, perversions, and potential of heredity
"Presents a history of the human understanding of heredity and how it has shaped society, chronicling the transitions brought about by genetic research and making predictions about how evolving understandings are likely to impact the future"--OCLC.

Decoding genes with Max Axiom, super scientist

Follows the adventures of Max Axiom as he explains the science behind genes.

I miss my grandpa

even though I've never met him
"A child asks different family members about her late grandfather and learns of his characteristics through the features he passed down to his children and grandchildren"--Provided by publisher.

Inheritance and variation of traits

Discusses how genes are passed on through the generations, how variations occur, and how these genetic changes can help humans and other populations survive.

DNA, RNA, and the inheritance of traits

Readers will gain a deeper understanding of how DNA and RNA work together to make all the individual humans, animals, and plants on our planet.


Readers learn about the inherited traits parents can pass down to their children.


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