Hartzler, Aaron

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What we saw

"The story of a town torn apart by the events surrounding the rape of a drunk girl at a house party, from the perspective of the partygoers who witnessed it"--.

Rapture practice

a true story about growing up gay in an evangelical family
Aaron Hartzler discusses his life as a Christian boy who was always expecting the Rapture and slowly realizing that he had different beliefs.

Rapture practice

a true story
Aaron Hartzler grew up in a home where he was taught that any moment he and his family would be scooped up and taken to heaven. This appealed to him when he was young but when he turned sixteen, he finds he is more attached to his earthly life. His goal now is to become the person he wants to be, without hurting the family that loved him. His story is about loosing his faith, finding his place, and coming to know his own truth.
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