bereavement in children

Topical Term
bereavement in children

Geranium morning

Two friends who lose parents, one suddenly in an accident and one by illness, learn to deal with their grief.

Don't despair on Thursdays!

the children's grief-management book
Examines, in simple text, how to deal with feelings of grief when people or pets die, or when friends move away.

How it feels when a parent dies

Eighteen young people ranging in age from seven to sixteen discuss the questions, fears, and bereavement they experienced when one of their parents died.

When a friend dies

a book for teens about grieving & healing
Provides support and practical guidance for teenagers grieving the death of a friend, discussing the variety of feelings the experience can produce and how to handle them, whether it is wrong to have fun, what to do if friends start acting strangely, and how to find a counselor or therapist, and includes comments from teens and a directory of further resources.

Part of me died, too

stories of creative survival among bereaved children and teenagers
Offers creative strategies to help teenagers and children cope with the death of loved ones.

Dealing with terminal illness in the family

Discusses what may happen when a family member becomes terminally ill and how to cope with this situation.

When a friend dies

a book for teens about grieving & healing
Gives practical advice for teens who have experienced the death of a friend.

Talking with children about loss

words, strategies, and wisdom to help children cope with death, divorce, and other difficult times
Explains how to talk to children about loss, focusing on how children are affected by death, disablity, and divorce, how children handle the four stages of mourning, how they react to wakes and funerals, and other related topics.

When people die

Describes how people feel about death, discussing what happens when someone dies, why people die, and how to cope with grief.

Let's talk about when a parent dies

Provides advice on surviving the death of a parent and suggests what feelings and behavior to expect from others.


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