Luke Skywalker, a young man living on a remote planet, stumbles onto his destiny when he accidentally intercepts a message from a captured princess and, in an effort to rescue her, becomes involved in a rebellion against the evil rulers of the galactic empire.
Presents a manga comic version of Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, where Luke meets the evil Emperor Palpatine while Luke, Han, and Artoo try to destroy the Death Star.
Luke Skywalker, a young man living on a remote planet, stumbles onto his destiny when he accidentally intercepts a message from a captured princess and, in an effort to rescue her, becomes involved in a rebellion against the evil rulers of the galactic empire.
Luke Skywalker. Han Solo. Princess Leia. The beginning of the Star Wars saga, in an amazing all-new novelization that will tie in with the blockbuster classic Star Wars DVD release.
Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, and Obi-Wan Kenobi are brought onboard the Death Star to discover Princess Leia is scheduled for execution, and where Obi-Wan faces his former student, Darth Vader.
While Luke and his freedom fighters set up base on the iceworld of Hoth, Darth Vader vows to find him, sending his Imperial troops throughout the galaxy to hunt him down.