Wells, H.G

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The time machine

A scientist invents a time machine and uses it to travel into the future, where he discovers the childlike Eloi and the hideous underground Morlocks.
Cover image of The time machine

The Time machine

A young scientist, to the amazement and disbelief of his colleagues and other experts, has perfected a machine that lets him live one of mankind's oldest dreams--to live in times other than his own.

The war of the worlds

After Martians land on Earth just outside of London in the late nineteenth century, an Englishman tries to find his wife while the British military and human technology fail in their efforts to stop the Martians, which have begun to kill and feed off of humans.
Cover image of The war of the worlds

The invisible man

The tale of a scientist who discovers how to make his body become invisible, but, when he can't make himself visible again, becomes violently insane.
Cover image of The invisible man

The Time Machine

The island of Doctor Moreau

Victims of a shipwreck in the Pacific discover an island ruled by an ominous scientist who performs ghastly genetic experiments which change animals into grotesque, partially human creatures.
Cover image of The island of Doctor Moreau

The war of the worlds

As life on Mars becomes impossible, Martians and their terrifying machines invade the earth. Includes discussion questions.
Cover image of The war of the worlds

The time machine


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