Weston Woods read-along CD

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The five Chinese brothers

Dramatic retelling of an old Chinese tale about five brothers.

Why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears

Retells a West African legend that reveals the meaning of the mosquito's unique sound.


Madame Louise Bodot receives a special present from her son in Africa--a pet boa constrictor she names Crictor.

The caterpillar and the polliwog

Impressed by the proud caterpillar's boast that she will turn into a butterfly when she grows up, a polliwog determines to watch the caterpillar very carefully and turn into a butterfly too.

The little house

A country house is unhappy when the city, with all its buildings and traffic, grows up around her.

Fletcher and the snowflake Christmas

At Christmastime, Fletcher the fox and the other forest animals lay a trail of sticks to help Santa find the rabbits' new burrow.

The boy who cried wolf

A boy tending sheep on a lonely mountainside thinks it a fine joke to cry "wolf" and watch the people come running--and then one day a wolf is really there, but no one answers his call.

The snowy day

Peter, a little boy who lives in the city, spends an exciting day playing in the new-fallen snow.

Knuffle Bunny free

an unexpected diversion
While traveling with her family to Holland to visit her grandparents, Trixie once again loses her beloved Knuffle Bunny.

Stone soup

When three hungry soldiers come to a town where all the food has been hidden, they set out to make soup of water and stones, and all the town enjoys a feast.


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