Describes the experiences of African Americans in the South, from the Emancipation in 1863 to the 1954 Supreme Court decision that declared school segregation illegal.
everything your schoolbooks didn't tell you about the Civil War
Sheinkin, Steve
Describes all the issues and events--large, small, and even personal--that led up to the Civil War, covering the stories of the soldiers and statesmen involved.
Explores what life was like in Europe during the Middle Ages covering such topics as eating and drinking, sex and love, hygiene, healthcare, crime and punishment, table manners, recreational activities, and more.
"An illustrated exploration of the principles, laws, and wonders that rule our universe, our solar system, our world, and our daily lives"---Provided by publisher.
Text and illustrations look at some of the outlandish people, events, and more from the United States history including ten-cent beer night, the Jackson cheese, the Kentucky meat shower, and other topics.