revolution, 1775-1783

Geographic Name
revolution, 1775-1783

Thomas Paine writes Common sense

Relates, in graphic novel format, how Thomas Paine came to America at the suggestion of Benjamin Franklin, became writer and editor of the "Philadelphia Magazine, " and served a pivotal role in the American Revolution by publishing a pamphlet entitled "Common Sense" that explained why America needed to break away from British rule.

George Washington's socks

In the midst of a backyard campout, ten-year-old Matt and four other children find themselves transported back into the time of George Washington and the American Revolution, where they begin to live out American history firsthand and learn the sober realities of war.

And then what happened, Paul Revere?

Describes some of the well-known as well as the lesser-known details of Paul Revere's life and exciting ride.

Betrayal at Cross Creek

In 1775, Elspeth Monro struggles to adapt to life in North Carolina after leaving behind her native Scotland, but her new-found comfort is shattered by the brewing Revolution.

Katie's trunk

Katie, whose family is not sympathetic to the rebel soldiers during the American Revolution, hides under the clothes in her mother's wedding trunk when they invade her home.

The secret soldier

the story of Deborah Sampson
A brief biography of the woman who disguised herself as a man and joined the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.

An enemy among them

A young Hessian soldier questions his loyalty to his king after fighting with the British in America during the Revolutionary War and spending time as a prisoner in the home of a German American family from Pennsylvania.

Paul Revere and his midnight ride

Relates, in graphic novel format, the role Boston silversmith Paul Revere played in the American Revolution, particularly his ride through the countryside to sound the alarm that the British were about to attack, giving the Sons of the Liberty a chance to prepare for the opening battles of the Revolutionary War.

The first conspiracy

the secret plot to kill George Washington
"Unravels the truth behind the secret assassination attempt on George Washington and how the plot helped create the CIA and the FBI"
Cover image of The first conspiracy

The American Revolution

Discusses the biggest battles and lesser-known moments of the American Revolution.
Cover image of The American Revolution


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