folk artists

Topical Term
folk artists

I'm gonna paint

Ralph Fasanella, artist of the people
"A picture book biography of American folk artist and labor organizer Ralph Fasanella"--Provided by publisher.

You gotta meet Mr. Pierce!

the storied life of folk artist Elijah Pierce
"A [fictionalized] picture book biography about the barber shop of woodcarver Elijah Pierce, recipient of the highest folk art honor in the United States. A young boy walks in for an ordinary haircut and walks out having discovered a lifetime of art"--Provided by publisher.

It jes' happened

when Bill Traylor started to draw
A biography of twentieth-century African American folk artist Bill Traylor, a former slave who, at the age of eighty-five, drew pictures based on his memories and observations of life in Alabama.

Contemporary American folk artists

Briefly discusses the lives and works of twenty-two American folk painters, carvers, and environmentalists.
Cover image of Contemporary American folk artists

Art from her heart

folk artist Clementine Hunter
Tells the story of Clementine Hunter, an African-American folk artist from Louisiana who decided in her middle years to become a painter, documenting scenes from her life, and attracting a great following, even though she was sometimes not allowed in the galleries to view her own exhibits.

High riders, saints and death cars

a life saved by art
Folk artist Nicholas Herrera explains how his interest in art, along with his mother and a life threatening experience, prompted him to face his drug and alcohol addiction and change his life.

It jes' happened

when Bill Traylor started to draw
A biography of Bill Traylor, a former slave who began to draw pictures--based on his recollections of rural and urban life--at the age of 83.

Artists in aprons

folk art by American women

Contemporary American folk artists

Briefly discusses the lives and works of twenty-two American folk painters, carvers, and environmentalists.


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