Online networking is the wave of the future. However, many social networking sites are not appropriate for elementary school-aged kids. This book explains online social networking and explores kid-friendly networking options.
Introduces the dangers of online bullying to young readers, discusses how and why bullies try to intimidate others on the Internet, and provides advice on how to avoid and thwart the negative aims of cyber bullies.
Whether motivated by curiosity or working on school reports, kids often use the Internet to do research. This helpful book covers everything from figuring out if a site is trustworthy to the importance of citing sources.
Discusses topics related to children's use of online games, such as the benefits of online gaming, massively multiplayer online games, safety concerns, and griefers.
Examines the impact of deforestation on the environment, explains what deforestation is, and discusses ways to make safer choices to protect the environment.
Discusses different issues pertaining to children's use of online social networking sites, covering hazards such as bullying and predators and ways to get help from trusted adults or siblings.
Provides an introduction to the office of governor, discusses the extent of a governor's power, looks at how governors are elected, describes the work they do, and identifies notable governors from throughout history.
Provides an introduction to the office of President of the United States, looks at how presidents are chosen, describes the work done by the U.S. President, and profiles Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama.