American civil war

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Decisive battles

Provides a detailed account of the decisive battles of the civil war including events leading up to and also including the course of these battles and the consequences.
Cover image of Decisive battles

Key figures

Using end-of-chapter sidebars and marginal comments to prompt readers' critical thinking skills, this book will augment the social studies curriculum and engage readers with the complex story of leaders of the Civil War.
Cover image of Key figures

Reconstruction and aftermath of the Civil War

Examines the Reconstruction period of the south at the end of the Civil War and discusses such issues as the end of the Confederacy, Lincoln's and Johnson's opposing views, the Freedman's Bureau, Lincoln's assassination and the Johnson presidency, and African Americans in the post-war decades.

Weapons and strategies of the Civil War

Describes weapons used by Union and Confederate troops on land and sea during the Civil War, as well as some of the strategies employed by their leaders. Includes Internet links to Web sites related to the Civil War.

Slavery, emancipation, and the Civil War

Describes the conditions of slaves in the United States, the role of African Americans in the Civil War, and the aftermath of slavery. Includes Internet links to Web sites related to the Civil War.

Causes of the Civil War

a book
Reviews the causes of the Civil War, beginning with the settlers who arrived in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607 not planning to own slaves, although thousands were already working in the New World. Includes Internet links to Web sites related to the Civil War.

Major battles of the Civil War

Reviews the critical battles of the Civil War, providing background information on the causes and a glimpse of the changes brought about by this war between the states. Includes Internet links to Web sites related to the Civil War.

Famous Union generals and leaders of the North

Presents short profiles of the Union's political leaders and generals during the Civil War, includes background on the conflict, and lists several related Web sites.

Famous Confederate generals and leaders of the South

Presents a children's survey of famous Confederate generals and leaders of the South including Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, Thomas J. Jackson, and Jeb Stuart and explores the southern perspective of States' Rights and secession.
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