Profiles the lives and accomplishments of various motocross champions from throughout the history of the sport, including Roger DeCoster, Jeremy McGrath, Stefan Everts, and Ricky Carmichael. Includes full-color photographs and a glossary.
from local scrambling to world championship to MX to freestyle
Woods, Bob
Describes the history of the sport known as motocross focusing on its early competitions, British scrambling, and how the sport evolved following World War II. Discusses important European stars from Belgium and Sweden and then notes the development of the sport in the United States which produced championships from the 1980s and on.
Examines the development of motocross racing as an international sport, looking at its popularity in the U.S., Belgium, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, and Germany.
Charts the origins and development of motocross racing, and features profiles of MX champions from throughout the history of the sport. Includes photographs.
from local scrambling to world championship MX to freestyle
Woods, Bob
Chronicles the history of motocross racing from its origins in Europe in the 1920s to its popularity as an international sport in the twenty-first century.
Charts the development of motocross racing in the United States, following its rise to popularity, and profiles some of the champions of the sport. Includes photographs.
Chronicles the history of supercross, the indoor version of motocross racing, discussing its popularity around the world, looks at the development of supercross bikes, and introduces some of the stars of the sport.
evolution from primitive street machines to state of the art off-road machines
Perritano, John
Chronicles the development of motocross bikes over the history of the sport, from early "bonecrushers" to the high-tech machines of the twenty-first century.