juvenile fiction

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juvenile fiction

The seer of shadows

Photographer Horace Carpetine is commissioned to do a portrait for society matron Mrs. Frederick Von Macht; however, the photos evoke both the image and the ghost of the Von Macht's dead daughter, Eleanora, who has returned to seek vengence on those who killed her.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter, now a fifth-year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, struggles with a threatening teacher, problematic house elf, the dread of upcoming final exams, and haunting dreams that hint toward his mysterious past.


Six children try to escape from a desert island in the Pacific Ocean in order to save their lives.

Summer school!

what genius thought that up?
Stuck in summer school while his friends enjoy a "Passport to Hawaii," Hank needs to earn an A on an oral report about Einstein in order to participate in Magik 3's talent show act at the luau extravaganza.

When will this cruel war be over?

the Civil War diary of Emma Simpson
The diary of a fictional fourteen-year-old girl living in Virginia, in which she describes the hardships endured by her family and friends during one year of the Civil War.

Midnight on the moon

The magic tree house takes Jack and Annie to a moon base in the future where they continue to search for the fourth thing they need to free their friend Morgan from the magician's spell.

Boycott blues

how Rosa Parks inspired a nation
Uses the form of a blues song to share the story of the year-long bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, sparked by seamstress Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat on a city bus to a white passenger in 1955, which resulted in a repeal of the Jim Crow segregation laws.

The Adirondack kids

Ten-year-old Justin Robert, vacationing at his family's camp in the Adirondacks, becomes the champion of a pair of common loons that have taken up residence on Fourth Lake.

Silver packages

an Appalachian Christmas story
Every year at Christmas a rich man rides a train through Appalachia and throws gifts to the poor children who are waiting, in order to repay a debt he owes the people who live there.

Honey-- honey-- lion!

a story from Africa
After working together to obtain honey, the African honey badger always shares it with his partner, the honeyguide bird, until one day when the honey badger becomes greedy and his feathered friend decides to teach him a lesson.


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