Surveys key aspects of dolphins, describing their appearance, behaviors, and habitats. Also included is a story from folklore explaining why dolphins are so friendly.
"A historical account of the Great Recession, including the causes of the economic downturn, the role played by the Federal Reserve and other government offices, and the lingering aftermath"--.
"A historical account of the end of the Cold War, including the events that sparked conflict and led to peace, the competition for global ideological supremacy, and the lingering aftermath"--.
"A basic exploration of the appearance, behavior, and habitat of geckos, the colorful climbing lizards. Also included is a story from folklore explaining how geckos became Hawaiian good-luck charms"--Provided by publisher.
"A basic exploration of the appearance, behavior, and habitat of raccoons, the ring-tailed North American mammals. Also included is a story from folklore explaining why raccoons have masked faces"--.
"Introduction to sharks, covering their growth process, behaviors, the oceans they call home, and such defining physical features as their teeth"--Provided by publisher.