1861-1865, civil war

Geographic Name
1861-1865, civil war

Don't know much about the Civil War

everything you need to know about America's greatest conflict but never learned
A crash course on the Civil War, discussing the people, politics, and key events of the conflict, highlighting the role of African Americans and women, and presenting a number of little-known historical facts.

Guns of the Civil War

Traces step-by-step the development of America's nineteenth century handguns and rifles, and the roles they played in our nation's history, including the manufacturing of guns in the South, the evolution of loose powder cap-and-ball revolvers and rifles in use, and the beginning of the self-contained metallic cartridge.

Battle cry of freedom

the Civil War era
A chronicle and analysis of the Civil War, focusing on the multiple meanings of slavery and freedom and how they dissolved and re-formed throughout the course of the conflict.

The Civil War, a narrative

A narrative history of the battles, characters, and situations during the last years of the Civil War.

The Civil War

Introduces the American Civil War, detailing the war's causes, key battles, notable generals and other persons involved in the war, and how the end of the war affected life in the United States.

Step to the music

Although Abbie lives in New York, far from what are to become the bloody battlegrounds of the South, she cannot stop thinking about the impending Civil War. Her father is a Yankee while her mother is from Charleston, South Carolina.

Mustang Flats

When his father returns from the war in 1865, fourteen-year-old Alby finds his beloved Pa a changed man and can only hope that they will be friends again.

Iron thunder

the battle between the Monitor & the Merrimac : a Civil War novel
Tom is caught between working on the Monitor ship and giving spies information about the Monitor.

The Civil War

[spies, secret missions, & hidden facts from the Civil War]
Describes the exploits and adventures of some of the well-known spies of the Civil War and discusses how their work saved lives and contributed to the war effort.

Walking to Gatlinburg

a novel
Seventeen-year-old Morgan Kinneson, a member of an abolitionist family in 1864, heads south after the murder of a slave in his care in search of his brother, a Union doctor who has gone missing in the midst of the Civil War, pursued by a group of escaped convicts who want the mysterious stone that has fallen into Morgan's hands.


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