1861-1865, civil war

Geographic Name
1861-1865, civil war

Landmarks in African American history

Discusses important events in African American history.

Epic Civil War battles

Photographs and illustrations provide the history of epic battles of the Civil War.

Friends of liberty

Sally Gifford, a Patriot shoemaker's daughter, tries to maintain her close friendship with Kitty Lawton, the daughter of a Loyalist official, as pre-Revolutionary War tensions in 1773 Boston increase and push them apart.

Fierce patriot

the tangled lives of William Tecumseh Sherman

The real Custer

from boy general to tragic hero

Thirty years after

an artist's memoir of the Civil War
Originally issued in 1890, this book is a pictorial and a written record of the daily experiences of the Civil War.

The red badge of courage

Presents an adaptation of Stephen Crane's Civil War novel which tells the story of a youth whose dreams of glory on the battlefield clash with the realities of war.

The Battle of Gettysburg

a history perspectives book
This book relays the factual details of the Battle of Gettysburg that took place during the U.S. Civil War. Readers learn about the key historical event from the perspectives of a Confederate soldier, a Union soldier, and a woman merchant near the battle.

Hearts touched by fire

the best of battles and leaders of the Civil War
Shares accounts of some of the most significant battles of the Civil War written by Union and Confederate officers, or people most entitled to speak for them, some twenty years after the end of the conflict.

The Civil War

an illustrated history
Contains photographs of the Civil War accompained by maps and narrative text.


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