Kanefield, Teri

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Alexander Hamilton

the making of America
Chronicles the life of the Founding Father, from his impoverished childhood in the West Indies and journey to New York City to his role in developing the Constitution and untimely death in a duel with Aaron Burr.

Alexander Hamilton

The Hero Who Helped Shape America
"The America that Alexander Hamilton knew was largely agricultural and built on slave labor. He envisioned something else: a multi-racial, urbanized, capitalistic America with a strong central government. He believed that such an America would be a land of opportunity for the poor and the newcomers. But Hamilton's vision put him at odds with his archrivals who envisioned a pastoral America of small towns, where governments were local, states would control their own destiny, and the federal government would remain small and weak. The disputes that arose during America's first decades continued through American history to our present day. Over time, because of the systems Hamilton set up and the ideas he left, his vision won out. Here is the story that epitomizes the American dream--a poor immigrant who made good in America. In the end, Hamilton rose from poverty through his intelligence and ability, and did more to shape our country than any of his contemporaries. Related subjects and concepts discussed in the book include: Law and Legal Concepts Due process Bill of Rights Freedom of Speech and the Press Originalism / nonoriginalism (theories of Constitutional interpretation) Government Checks and Balances Democracy Electoral College Republic Financial Concepts Capitalism Credit Inflation Interest Mercantilism Securities: Stocks and Bonds Tariffs Taxes Miscellaneous Demagogues Dueling Pastoralism"--.


crime, punishment, and the changing face of criminal justice
An examination of the legal system, including what constitutes a crime, why and how we punish people who commit crimes, how the government determines these rules, and how citizens react when they feel laws aren't fair.

The extraordinary Suzy Wright

a colonial woman on the frontier
A biography of Suzy Wright, a Quaker poet and political activist who helped settle the Pennsylvania frontier and exerted considerable influence in the highest circles of Pennsylvania goverment.

The Girl from the tar paper school

Barbara Rose Johns and the advent of the civil rights movement
In 1951, Barbara Rose Johns organized a strike to protest the inferior conditions of her all-black high school. The case became part of the Brown v. Board of Education decision.

Rivka's way

Unsure about her upcoming marriage and eager to see what lies beyond the walls of Prague's Jewish quarter in 1778, fifteen-year-old Rivka Lieberman takes great risks to venture outside, where her many new experiences include friendship with a Christian boy.


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