"This photo-illustrated book for early readers tells how grasshoppers defend themselves from predators and find food. Includes picture glossary"--Provided by publisher.
"This photo-illustrated book for early readers tells why crickets chirp and briefly explains their life cycle. Includes picture glossary"--Provided by publisher.
"This photo-illustrated book for early readers tells facts about ladybugs and briefly explains their life cycle. Includes picture glossary"--Provided by publisher.
"This photo-illustrated book for early readers tells how to identify beetles and gives examples of different species. Includes picture glossary"--Provided by publisher.
"This photo-illustrated book for early readers tells how butterflies find food and briefly explains their life cycle. Includes picture glossary"--Provided by publisher.
Describes the anatomies, defenses, and life cycles of various types of stick insects, and includes a hands-on activity and instructions for a game called "stick insect tag.".