Luxbacher, Irene

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123 I can paint!

Contains step-by-step instructions for several scenery-themed painting projects for children that introduce the art concepts of background, horizon line, primary and secondary colors, cool and warm colors, complementary colors, tones, and techniques.

123 I can collage!

Explains collage techniques and includes instructions for seven projects featuring sea creatures.

123 I can sculpt!

This book presents step-by-step instructions for creating a toothy crocodile, a sunbathing sea lion, a silly snake, a lamb, a giraffe, a dinosaur, and a flock of birds.

123 I can make prints!

Step-by-step illustrated instructions for painting a number of objects including a caterpillar, dragonflies, and a spinning spider.

The jumbo book of art

an artistic adventure from the Avenue Road Arts School
Presents an introduction to art, in simple text with illustrations, including instructions for creating art projects involving drawing, painting, sculpture, and mixed media.

123 I can build!

Introduces young children to basic building concepts such as joining, roofing, and folding; and provides instructions for simple projects including a birdhouse and mushroom mansion.

123 I can draw!

Step-by-step illustrated instructions for drawing a number of objects including an astronaut, a circus acrobat, and a self-portrait.


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