Barber, Nicola

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Village homes

Describes the characteristics of a village, examines the types of homes built in villages, the materials used to construct them, and what they look like inside, and discusses how the environment influences what kinds of homes are built in various geographical locations. Includes photographs, a map, glossary, and activity.

Mountain homes

Describes the characteristics of mountain homes, the materials used to construct them, and what they look like inside, and discusses how the environment influences what kinds of homes are built in various geographical locations. Includes photographs, a map, glossary, and activity.

Living in the Sahara

Introduces students to the many ways the Tuareg people have adapted to the arid climate of the Sahara desert where they live, describing the food they eat, the clothes they wear, their daily lives, and other related topics.

Living in the African savannah

Introduces students to the many ways the Maasai people have adapted to the climate of the eastern African grasslands where they live, describing the food they eat, the clothes they wear, their daily lives, and other related topics.

City homes

Describes the characteristics of a city, examines the types of homes built in cities, the materials used to construct them, and what they look like inside, and discusses how the environment influences what kinds of homes are built in various geographical locations. Includes photographs, a map, glossary, and activity.

Ancient Roman sports and pastimes

Provides an overview of the sporting events and other pastimes that people enjoyed in ancient Rome, covering gladiator fights, chariot races, the theater, children's games, and dinner parties.

Ancient Roman jobs

Explores ancient Roman jobs for the rich and the poor, discussing emperors, soldiers, priests, priestesses, tradesmen, woman's work, craftspeople, farmers, slaves, fighters, and charioteers.


Investigates what it is like to live in Egypt, providing facts about the country's population, size, religion, language, and government, and discussing Egypt's history, landscape and climate, transportation, desert regions, cities, food and farming, sports, culture, and attractions.

Should I play the piano?

Explores the piano, discussing how the musical instrument works, what types of music can be played with it, and famous players; and includes suggestions for finding an instructor, a historical time line, and a list of famous recordings.

Should I play the flute?

Explores the flute, discussing how the musical instrument works, what types of music can be played with it, and famous players; and includes suggestions for finding an instructor, a historical time line, and a list of famous recordings.


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