Stories the year 'round

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The empty pin?ata

A little girl who sets out to buy candy for her new pin?ata but spends it all on others is rewarded for her generosity.
Cover image of The empty pin?ata

A surprise for Mother Rabbit

Eight little rabbits gather a variety of eggs to help their mother out at Easter time.
Cover image of A surprise for Mother Rabbit

In the cow's backyard

A friendly ant invites a growing menagerie of animals to join him in the hammock in the cow's backyard.
Cover image of In the cow's backyard

What are ghosts afraid of?

After trick-or-treating, three small children unwittingly have an encounter with two ghosts looking for shelter.

A surprise for Mother Rabbit

Mother Rabbit's eight little bunnies learn a lesson about the beauty in being different when they help her gather a vareity of eggs for Easter.

A rose with wings

Gabriel's classmates each choose a special animal as their favorite, but he keeps quiet until his little worm turns into a butterfly.

It wasn't me--

A child denies the blame for a number of mischievous adventures around the house and the yard.

The golden cage

When his grandmother begins using a wheelchair and spends her days watching the birds through the window, Nicolas thinks he has found the perfect Christmas present for her--a bird of her own--until she tells him why she likes to watch them.

How the rainbow came to be

Red, Blue, and Yellow, work together to bring color to a gray planet.


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