new york (n.y.)

Geographic Name
new york (n.y.)

Ultimate Spider-Man

The making of a Hollywood blockbuster about Spider-man and Doctor Octopus sparks a behind-the-scenes battle between the arch enemies.

Ultimate Spider-Man

After a brutal battle, Spider-Man seeks Dr. Conner's help to mend his wounds. Conner takes some DNA from Peter's blood and experiments with it, accidentally creating the famous villain Carnage. Can Spider-man defeat an enemy so much like himself?.

Ultimate Spider-Man

Spider-Man's meeting with childhood friend Eddie Brock and the revelation of a secret from their fathers' past, forces Spidey into a confrontation with his evil twin, Venom.


In 1863, fifteen-year-old Claire, the daughter of an Irish mother and an African father, faces ugly truths and great danger when Irish immigrants, enraged by the Civil War and a federal draft, lash out against African-Americans and wealthy "swells" of New York City.


While playing a dangerous subway prank, a fifteen-year-old slacker, who lives a comfortable life in Brooklyn, falls through a time-travel vortex and is transported to different time periods in twentieth-century New York City, where he learns firsthand about hardship.

Gods of Manhattan

spirits in the park
As thirteen-year-old Rory continues his mission in Mannahatta, a spirit realm that co-exists alongside modern-day New York City, filled with fantastical creatures and people from the city's colorful past, he discovers that his father, whom he never wants to see again, is the only hope for peace.

You wouldn't want to be a skyscraper builder!

a hazardous job you'd rather not take
Brief text, sidebars, labeled illustrations, and humorous cartoons depict the life of a builder working in New York City during the Great Depression to help build the Empire State Building.


Orphaned and homeless, twelve-year-old Chipper Carey is a street-wise gang member in 1890s New York City, until a con man introduces him to a wealthy woman who is seeking her long-lost nephew and Chipper must decide where his loyalties lie.

Ice cream town

Wit and his beautiful singing voice keep Sammy out of trouble in the rough New York streets in 1920.


At age thirteen Dusie makes the horrifying discovery that she, like her New York artist mother, is a Gorgon--a Greek mythological monster sprouting snakes from her head and capable of turning humans into stone with one angry look.


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