bull shark

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bull shark

Bow wow

Bowser the mutt lives with eleven-year-old Birdie Gaux and her grandmother in the normally quiet Louisiana bayou town of St. Roch, but news that a bull shark has somehow made its way into the swamp has everyone excited, and the cash bounty for landing the shark has lured some very shady characters into town--one hunter in particular is prepared to go to any lengths to collect the money.

Bull shark

Learn all about the bull shark and its Amazon rain forest home.

Bow wow

Bowser the mutt lives with eleven-year-old Birdie Gaux and her grandmother in the normally quiet Louisiana bayou town of St. Roch, but news that a bull shark has somehow made its way into the swamp has everyone excited, and the cash bounty for landing the shark has lured some very shady characters into town--one hunter in particular is prepared to go to any lengths to collect the money.

Hammerhead vs. bull shark

Contains facts about hammerhead sharks and bull sharks, comparing such aspects as their sizes, brain structure, and abilities.

In search of bull sharks

Readers will love learning about the bull shark, which is considered to be the most dangerous shark in the world. Aggressive and able to live in both salt water and freshwater, these sharks are both incredible and deadly. This book will introduce readers to bull shark behavior, diet, and anatomy, as well as their fearsome hunting habits. Exciting text and color photographs are sure to hook even the most reluctant reader. A graphic organizer of fascinating facts about bull sharks presents further information in a memorable way. "Did You Know?" fun fact boxes, Detailed Table of Contents, Full-color photographs, Glossary, Index, Web Sites.

Tibur?n toro

Simple text and photographs describe bull sharks, their body parts, and their behavior. Presented in English and Spanish.

Bull shark attack

"Engaging images illustrate true bull shark attack stories and accompany survival tips. The combination of high-interest subject matter and light text is intended for students in grades 3 through 7"--Provided by publisher.

Bull shark

This book tells about the physical characteristics, behavior, and habitat of the bull shark.

Bull shark

This book introduces bull sharks, describing their physical characteristics and behavior.


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