buildings, structures, etc

Geographic Name
buildings, structures, etc

The Liberty Bell

An introduction to the history of the Liberty Bell.
Cover image of The Liberty Bell

The U.S. Capitol

Describes the planning and construction of the U.S. Capitol as well as its uses and physical features inside and out.
Cover image of The U.S. Capitol

Independence Hall

Presents an introduction to Independence Hall, in simple text with illustrations, describing what it is and why it is important in U.S. history.
Cover image of Independence Hall

The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

Presents a brief look at the life and presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, discusses the decision to create a memorial in his honor, and features a tour of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Cover image of The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

Arlington National Cemetery

An illustrated introduction to Arlington National Cemetery, with information on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Civil War monuments, and major people who are buried there.
Cover image of Arlington National Cemetery

The Washington Monument

it stands for all
A photographic tribute to the Washington Monument, the tallest freestanding masonry structure in the world, discussing its history, and its restoration in the 1990s, and looking at some of the historic events that have taken place in the monument's shadow.
Cover image of The Washington Monument

Liberty Bell

Presents a brief history of the Liberty Bell, and explains how it came to symbolize freedom to Americans.
Cover image of Liberty Bell

The Tower of London

Provides information on the Tower of London, its history as a prison and a home to kings and queens of England. how the tower was built, the customs and traditions of people who lived there, and a description of its major sites.

Historic Boston

Describes Boston's history and takes a look at some of the city's historic buildings, including the state houses, Faneuil Hall, the Old North Church, and Paul Revere's house.

The story of the White House

Photographs and simple text introduce young readers to the White House and how it has changed over the past two hundred years.


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