Rainbow magic. The fun day fairies

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Felicity, the Friday fairy

Rachel and Kirsty must recover the Friday fairy's special flag from Rachel's grandmother who thinks it's just a pretty new scarf.

Sienna the Saturday fairy

Rachel and Kirsty try to find Sienna the Saturday Fairy's magic flag before the goblins get to it.

Thea the Thursday fairy

Rachel and Kirsty try to find Thea the Thursday Fairy's magic flag before the goblins get to it.

Willow the Wednesday fairy

After Jack Frost spoils their special day of the week by stealing their magic and flags, the Fun Day Fairies are determined to track them down at the Arts and Crafts Fair before the Jack's goblins get them first.

Tara the Tuesday fairy

In order to make Field Day fun for her school, Rachel helps Tara the Tuesday Fairy get her stolen magic flag back from Jack Frost.

Sarah the Sunday fairy

Rachel and Kirsty try to get the last missing magic flag back from the thieving Jack Frost.

Megan the Monday fairy

Rachel and Kirsty try to help Megan the Monday Fairy find her missing flag after it is stolen by Jack Frost.
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