Presents a collection of essays that examine opposing views on the issue of privacy, including information on security, technology, sexuality and reproduction, and public interest.
America's legal responses to the emerging terrorist threat
Mack, Raneta Lawson
Examines American legal responses to terrorism, both before and after the attacks of September 11, 2001, focusing on the USA Patriot Act and the Bush administration's pursuit of terrorists.
Online privacy is one of the most hotly debated subjects in American society. Through a narrative-driven pro/con formatsupported by relevant facts, quotes, anecdotes, and full-color illustrationsthis title examines issues related to online privacy.
recognizing threats, defending your rights, and protecting your family
Payton, Theresa
"Privacy in the Age of Big Data highlights the many positive outcomes of digital surveillance and data collection, while also outlining those forms of data collection to which we do not always consent, and of which we are likely unaware, as well as the dangers inherent in such surveillance and tracking. Theresa M. Payton and Theodore Claypoole skillfully introduce readers to the many ways we are "watched" and how to change behaviors and activities to recapture and regain more of our privacy."--Book jacket.
a quest for privacy, security, and freedom in a world of relentless surveillance
Angwin, Julia
Online ads from websites you've visited... smartphones and cars transmitting your location... data-gathering surveillance operations across the Internet and on your phone lines. You are being watched.... Angwin offers a revelatory and unsettling look at how the government, private companies, and even criminals use technology to indiscriminately sweep up vast amounts of our personal data. She argues that the greatest long-term danger is that we start to internalize the surveillance and censor our words and thoughts, until we lose our freedom. Appalled at such a prospect, Angwin conducts a series of experiments to try to protect herself.
Summaries of actual case histories and court decisions in the areas of law enforcement, sexuality, reproduction, dying, the press, voyeurism, problems in the workplace, and freedom of information which have a direct bearing on personal privacy.
Offers an overview of the privacy risks associated with Internet use, discussing how users can protect their identity, personal information, credit card numbers, and more.