stage fright

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stage fright

And two boys booed

A boy is nervous about a presentation he has to give at school.

Einstein the class hamster and the very real game show

When Ms. Moreno's class appears on the hit game show Kids Know Stuff, the show's host walks off the set. But with the assistance of a sound engineer, Ned and Marlon help Einstein get ready to host the show and save the day--if only he did not have stage fright.

Bitty Baby at the ballet

A little girl calms her nervousness about a ballet recital by telling her Bitty Baby doll a story about a bunny who overcomes stage fright before a hopping contest.

Red Riding Hood gets lost

Red Riding Hood, who has a bad case of stage fright, decides to help her friends save Grimm Academy from the E.V.I.L. Society, but when she gets lost in the Neverwood Forest and runs into Wolfgang, who might be part of E.V.I.L., she needs her magic basket and a great performance to figure what is going on.

Rat and Roach rock on!

Rat and Roach are ready to rock with their new band, but when Rat refuses to let Roach wear his sparkle pants, Roach gets a serious case of stage fright.

The Berenstain Bears get stage fright

Double feature. The first story shows what happens when brother and sister are in the same play. In the second, Bigpaw takes care of four little geese.

Grin and bear it

A funny bear's stage fright is the only thing standing in his way of fulfilling his dream of becoming a stand-up comedian.

Plum fantastic

Although Alexandrea does not want to be a ballerina, her mother enrolls her in ballet school and she is chosen for the starring role in the school recital even though she is an awful dancer and suffers from stage fright.


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