In rural Georgia during World War II, twelve-year-old Ramona Louise determines to do everything to help her beloved older sister Georgie keep the family together after the death of their parents, even to keeping a secret which could destroy their close relationship.
Tangy Mae, the darkest of ten children born to Rozelle Quinn, an abusive and controlling woman, struggles to earn her education and win her freedom from her mother who wants Tangy to quit school and go to work in a local brothel.
Successful photographer Jo Ellen Hathaway thought she had put the disappearance of her mother behind her years ago, but when she receives a shocking portrait of her dead mother, she is compelled to return to her childhood home of Sanctuary and learn the truth about her family's past.
The story of a degraded, poor-white Georgia family living in a tumble-down shack on worn out land. This land had once been the prosperous tobacco plantation of Jeeter Lester's grandfather.
Twelve fictional stories from different periods of Georgia history relate the adventures of gypsies, swampers, Cherokees, an Olympic weight lifter, and a parachuting dog.