Bradman, Tony

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Mr. Bear gets alarmed

After the Goldilocks break-in, Mr. Bear decides to install an alarm system--but when it keeps going off for no reason, Mrs. Bear takes control of the situation.
Cover image of Mr. Bear gets alarmed

The ugly duckling returns

The ugly duckling finds that as a beautiful swan he cannot get the right kind of publicity needed for the anti-pollution campaign, so he decides to change back to his old self to help save the forest.
Cover image of The ugly duckling returns

Through my window

Staying home sick for the day, Jo waits eagerly for her mother to return from work with a promised surprise.
Cover image of Through my window

Give me shelter

stories about children who seek asylum
A collection of stories based on true events that recount the experiences of children from countries around the world, including Kosovo, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Sudan, and Iraq, who have sought asylum in western countries in order to avoid persecution or war in their own countries.

The silver box

What will Max find inside the silver box?.

Message in an X-Bot

The ugly duckling returns

The ugly duckling finds that as a beautiful swan he cannot get the right kind of publicity needed for the anti-pollution campaign, so he decides to change back to his old self to help save the forest.
Cover image of The ugly duckling returns

Red Riding Hood takes charge

After Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother recovers from the trauma of the Big Bad Wolf, Red worries about her grandmother's loneliness and seeks to find new hobbies and friends to entertain her.
Cover image of Red Riding Hood takes charge

Rapunzel lets her hair down

Rapunzel, weary of having to spend every Saturday washing and drying her long locks, devises a plan that gives her the freedom she wants to pursue other activities while still pleasing her prince--who says he loves her long hair.
Cover image of Rapunzel lets her hair down

Mr. Wolf bounces back

Mr. Wolf, formerly known as the Big Bad Wolf, decides to look for other employment when the arrival of his own children makes him reluctant to pursue his previous jobs harassing the Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood.
Cover image of Mr. Wolf bounces back


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