september 11 terrorist attacks, 2001

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september 11 terrorist attacks, 2001

The 9

a graphic adaptation
Presents the story of 9/11 in graphic novel format based on the study of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States. Addresses the causes of 9/11 and offers recommendations to prevent another such attack.

September 11, 2001

Chronicles the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on America and their immediate aftermath in the words of eyewitnesses, and includes a time line, a glossary, and a further reading list.


Presents a selection of the political cartoons created in response to the terrorist attacks on the United States that appeared in the nation's newspapers following the events of September 11, 2001, each with a brief explanation.

Covering catastrophe

broadcast journalists report September 11
Presents quotations from more than one hundred journalists about their experiences covering the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, describing their reactions to the events of the day, from morning to evening.

The day our world changed

children's art of 9/11
A catalogue of a joint exhibit mounted by New York University's Child Study Center and The Museum of the City of New York which showcases the artistic responses of children from five to eighteen years of age to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, and includes essays on related topics.

It's still a dog's New York

a book of healing
Pepper and Rover, two New York City dogs, feel miserable after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, however, both dogs manage to recover and enjoy life again.


Uses the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, to explore the historical, political, and religious origins of political violence, its effects on individuals, and what governments can do to stop it.

United we stand

the war on terrorism
Describes many of the things corporations and individuals did to help, both in the United States and in other countries, after the terrorist attacks of September 11, such as donating money, blood, food, and supplies, creating memorials, and volunteering in various capacities.

September 11, 2001

the day that changed America
Describes the events and immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, in which planes were crashed into the Twin Towers buildings in New York City as well as into the Pentagon building near Washington, D.C.


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