
Geographic Name

J.D. and the family business

"Eight-year-old kid barber J.D. joins forces with his sister, who has beauty shop dreams, to find stardom online"--.

Ford County

Collects seven short stories by John Grisham that take place in Ford County, Mississippi, where his first novel, "A Time to Kill," took place, including "Blood Drive," "Fetching Raymond," "Fish Files," "Casino," "Michael's Room," "Quiet Haven," and "Funny Boy.".

J.D. and the great barber battle

"J.D. has a big problem--it's the night before the start of third grade and his mom has just given him his first and worst home haircut. When the steady stream of insults from the entire student body of Douglass Elementary becomes too much for J.D., he takes matters into his own hands and discovers that, unlike his mom, he's a genius with the clippers. His work makes him the talk of the town and brings him enough hair business to open a barbershop from his bedroom. But when Henry Jr., the owner of the only official local barbershop, realizes he's losing clients to J.D., he tries to shut him down for good. J.D. decides there's only one way to prove who's the best barber in all of Meridian, Mississippi: Let the people decide in a great barber battle!"--Provided by publisher.

J.D. and the family business

"Eight-year-old kid barber J.D. joins forces with his sister, who has beauty shop dreams, to find stardom online"--.

All the days past, all the days to come

From the 1940s to the 1960s, Cassie Logan journeys around the country, ultimately returning home to Mississippi where she witnesses the Great Migration north and the rise of the Civil Rights Movement.

All the days past, all the days to come

Cassie Logan, now a young woman, has gone from the Logan family home in Toledo, then to California and Colorado, to law school in Boston, and finally in the 1960s back to Mississippi where it all started. There she joins the voter registration drive and is witness to the historic events of her era--the Great Migration to the north, postwar America's racism, the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement, and the violent confrontations that it sometimes takes to bring about real change.

Medgar Evers and the NAACP

In graphic novel format, describes Medgar Evers' efforts to gain equal rights for African Americans in Missisippi, his work with the NAACP, and his assassination in 1963, which gave the Civil Rights Movement new momentum.

White socks only

Grandma tells the story about her first trip alone into town during the days when segregation still existed in Mississippi.

Midnight without a moon

Rose Lee Carter, a thirteen-year-old African-American girl, dreams of life beyond the Mississippi cotton fields during the summer of 1955, but when Emmett Till is murdered and his killers are unjustly acquitted, Rose is torn between seeking her destiny outside of Mississippi or staying and being a part of an important movement.

A sky full of stars

In Stillwater, Missippi, in 1955, thirteen-year-old African American Rose Lee Carter looks to her family and friends to understand her place in the burgeoning Civil Rights Movement.


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