
Geographic Name

Young Lincoln

The story of the childhood and young adult years of Abraham Lincoln. Abe himself tells the story of his years in Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois. He encounters the same problems that young adults have faced for generations: tensions with a demanding parent; the need for friendship and the need to be alone; feeling shy and awkward around girls; recurrent depression; and what path to follow in his life.
Cover image of Young Lincoln

Runaway Max

Looks at how Max Mayfield settled down with her stepfamily in Hawkins, Indiana, and made friends.
Cover image of Runaway Max

A history of violence

Tom Stall becomes a local hero after killing two criminals intent on robbing his diner in small-town Indiana and leaving no witnesses, but Tom's past is called into question when the media hype attracts three mobsters who insist they have an old score to settle with the quiet family man.
Cover image of A history of violence

Running out of time

When a diphtheria epidemic hits her 1840 village, thirteen-year-old Jessie discovers it is actually a 1995 tourist site under unseen observation by heartless scientists, and it's up to Jessie to escape the village and save the lives of the dying children.

The season of Styx Malone

Caleb Franklin and his younger brother, Bobby Gene, spend an extraordinary summer their new, older neighbor, Styx Malone, a foster boy from the city.
Cover image of The season of Styx Malone

The season of Styx Malone

"Caleb Franklin and his younger brother, Bobby Gene, spend an extraordinary summer their new, older neighbor, Styx Malone, a foster boy from the city"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The season of Styx Malone

The season of Styx Malone

"Caleb Franklin and his younger brother, Bobby Gene, spend an extraordinary summer their new, older neighbor, Styx Malone, a foster boy from the city"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The season of Styx Malone


In 1972, Flora Smallwood, nine, copes with her parents' separation with the help of her friends, Yury and Nessie, a new pet, and the familiar routines of life in Rosetown, Indiana.
Cover image of Rosetown

Marshall Mulgrew's supernatural mysteries

A collection of four short stories about a private investigator who helps others experiencing strange occurrences.
Cover image of Marshall Mulgrew's supernatural mysteries

Yesterday's tomorrow

Percy Deforest Spock has just moved back to his hometown of Bloomington, Indiana. When a teenage boy knocks on his door, Percy is floored by the uncanny resemblance between the boy and his lost love of twenty years before. As the two grow closer, Percy relives the days when he was young and in love but is disturbed by his growing feelings for Tyler. Realizing that Tyler?s resemblance to his lost love is the source of his attraction, he?s able to push his desires aside and act as a mentor to his young friend. There is a secret hidden in Bloomington, Indiana; however, and as young Tyler learns more about Percy, he begins to put the pieces together. Yesterday?s Tomorrow is a tale of love lost and found, of romance, of friendship, and of undying hope.
Cover image of Yesterday's tomorrow


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