Disabilities and differences

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We are all different

Photographs and simple text introduce early readers to the many ways that people can be different, with and without disabilities, and discuss playing, moving, reading, learning, respect, and more.
Cover image of We are all different

We all play

Explores the different ways, places, and reasons that people play.

We are all different

Photographs and simple text introduce early readers to the many ways that people can be different, with and without disabilities, and discuss playing, moving, reading, learning, respect, and more.

We all read

Simple text and photographs depict how and why different individuals read, covering braille, reading from right to left, with the help of sounds, and the use of letters or characters.

We all learn

Simple text and photographs depict the different places and ways in which various individuals learn, such as by doing an activity, watching, and writing, or in a park, classroom, alone, or in groups.

We all communicate

Simple text and photographs of individuals with a variety of disabilities introduce the different ways in which people communicate.

We all move

Looks at some of the different ways in which people move with and without disabilities, and discusses some of the reasons why people move.
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