
Topical Term

Monkey fist

Book 4 of the Samurai Kids series
The Samurai Kids, "Cockroaches," travel to the Forbidden City of China in order to rescue their kidnapped friend, Kyoko. Sensei suspects his enemy, Lu Zeng, who is obsessed with the quest for eternal life. Niya, the tale's hero, begins to learn that her friend Yoshi has secrets, and so does Sensei, and she begins to question who she can trust.

Owl ninja

Book 2 of the Samurai Kids series
The samurai and the ninja are enemies, but the Cockroach Ryu must join forces with the Owl Ninja if they are to stop a war and save their "sensei.".

White crane

Book 1 of the Samurai Kids series
Legendary samurai warrior Ki-Yaga, recruits crippled Niya Moto to join his samurai students in the Cockroach Ryu when they face the fierce students from the Dragon Ryu at the Samurai Trainee Games. Includes black-and-white illustrations, a glossary, and the Japanese characters for the seven virtues of Bushido.

Nothing about us without us

disability oppression and empowerment
Discusses the political, economic, and global aspects of the disability rights movement.

A dog named Christmas

Todd McCray, a mentally challenged man still living on his parent's Kansas farm, convinces his father to allow him to participate in the local animal shelter's plea for short term adoption of a dog over the Christmas holiday, and decides to convince his neighbors to do the same.

Special siblings

growing up with someone with a disability
The author, whose brother has cerebral palsy and mental retardation, describes their relationship and presents quotations from others who have siblings with disabilities on their feelings and coping strategies from childhood to adolescence to adulthood.

No pity

people with disabilities forging a new civil rights movement
Discusses the background against which the Americans with Disabilities Act was formed.

Leaving the log house

After losing her leg, Teresa is forced to stay with relatives while she learns to walk with her new prosthetic leg.

Life skills activities for secondary students with special needs

A collection of illustrated activity sheets, discussion questions, applied exercises, and evaluation suggestions for teaching life skills to special needs students in grades seven through twelve; providing more than 190 specific activities in six skill areas.

Louis Braille

Looks at the life of Louis Braille, telling the story of how he came to invent the Braille system of type for blind readers.


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