
Topical Term

The secret world of weather

how to read signs in every cloud, breeze, hill, street, plant, animal, and dewdrop
In this eye-opening trove of outdoor clues, the author turns his keen senses to the weather. By "reading" nature as he does, you'll not only detect what the weather is doing (and predict what's coming), you'll enter a secret wonderland of sights and sounds you've never noticed before.

The Complete Weather Resource

Understanding Weather
Understanding weather,weather phenomena, forecasting the weather, and climate.
Cover image of The Complete Weather Resource

Understanding weather

Take a trip to "Tornado Alley" in Norman, Oklahoma. At the Storm Prediction Center there, students will see weather like never before. This video reveals the complex mysteries of everyday weather through vivid imagery that demonstrates basic concepts of air pressure, solar cycles, swirling winds, and the rain cycle. What are the controversial predictions of a possible new Ice Age?.

The weather almanac

a reference guide to weather, climate, and related issues in the United States and its key cities
Handy and comprehensive compliment to usual sources of day-to-day weather information in newspapers, radio, and television information. Includes a wide range of maps, charts, and safety rules based upon past records, research, and experience to inform users of what may be expected from our ever-changing atmosphere.


NOVA: Adventures in Science
NOVA follows a chase team as scienctists utlize the latest tracking techniques to move closer to their terrifying targets.
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